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Dolphin Autofill by Fillr

by blogAdmin on April 27th, 2023

Anyone who does most of their browsing on mobile knows the struggle of filling out forms on sites that aren’t mobile optimized. If you’re sick of pinching and zooming all over the place, accidentally clicking the wrong box or ending up on the wrong page entirely, only to have to start all over again, we hear you. And we’ve got a solution.

Dolphin Presents: Autofill by Fillr

We’ve partnered with Fillr, maker of the world’s greatest autofill tool, to provide add-on integration right into your Dolphin experience. Fillr standardizes any mobile form into a format you can easily read and securely fill at the tap of a button.

But it gets even better!

Fillr stores your information securely for future use, so it gets even easier the more you use it! It also protects you by always requesting a PIN, storing your information locally on your device, and using military-grade 256-bit AES encryption.

We’ve also spent the time mapping millions of forms on the world’s most popular e-commerce platforms and biggest brands meaning uncanny accuracy is our starting point! Oh and if we get a form wrong, let us know! We will fix it to be perfect for the next time you visit!

Get started with Fillr by downloading it here.

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